Xavier Dorian Del Bravio is a 2018 IALHA Andalusian that is known by his barn name, Xander.
Xander is one of our first investments into the Spanish breed.
Xander is a very noble, people pleasing kind of gentleman. He adores attention and admires humans. He is so gentle that you would have a hard time distinguishing him from not being a gelding. He will come up to you to greet you no matter where he is. Be it his stall, the round pen or arena. This boy has a very active inquisitive mind. He wants to learn, willing to learn.
This wonderful boy has a silly playful side to him. He just really wants to be with his person, being a part of what you are doing. We truly believe this boy will go far in a show career. One of his favorite things to do is to roll his barrel around.
When Xander came to us he had very little training, he could barely be haltered and lead around, he was by no means a pro at it. He loaded in the trailer with caution, but other then that he knew basically nothing. No manners or respect to others.
Now that Xander has been here a while he is learning a lot of new things. He now walks very willingly on the line, easy to halter, ties, stands for the farrier, bathing is his favorite thing, as he loves to be a messy boy. He's even learn a few Spanish movements, like the Levade pictured here.