Meet The Team
Xaviers Nuevo Comienzo
Xavier Dorian Del Bravio x Harley Quinzel
DOB: May 13th, 2021
Registered: IALHA (Half Lusitano)

Setara is conformationally correct in
everyway. She is highly intelligent &
she shows her willingness to learn.
She is already taller then her dam &
will soon reach the height of her sire
whom is 16.3 hh. Setara has very straight legs and
has perfect balance in her stature.

Valiant Knight
Xavier Dorian Del Bravio x Pretty Little Lass
DOB: April 11, 2022
Pure Black Colt
Registered IALHA (Half Lusitano)
This wonderful boy was Lass's first foal. She did amazing and the colt was literally
everything we could have wanted.
He got all of Lass's personality, calm
easy to handle, and willing to learn.
All the traits we look for in a foal.

If you'd like your chance at a Xander foal, don't hesitate to message us.
Text or call anytime
(760) 219-1071